JCEA - REAF participation (doctoriales and panels)

 Attending JCEA online

The Doctoriales (Monday 27 June) and the JCEA panels (Wednesday 29 June) will also take place online, on Zoom !

To log in, please register using the links below. You will then receive the login link : 


  • Panels :
From 8h30 to 10h30 : 


From 11h to 13h :




REAF and JCEA registration open until 17 June 2022

Registration for JCEA and REAF is now open!

Registration is mandatory to participate, either as a communicant or as an auditor, and is open until Friday 17 June 2022.

You can register at this address (link to another platform): https://colloques-cprs.univ-tlse2.fr/spip.php?rubrique153


The Doctoral Day and the panels of the JCEA will take place both in person and online. Registration via the platform is also valid for those who wish to participate remotely. Connection links will be sent to you a few days before the event.

The event is free of charge, leaving accommodation and meals at your charge.


For members of the organising committee and guests of the JCEA-REAF: please do not register via the link above. Your registration has already been made and the various reservations made.

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